Another F2nd style chart.
I first found this song through an F2nd edit and have loved it ever since for a very long time.

One of my most unique and iconic charts I fear.
Look out for the big red hearts!

太陽の花 -Eternal Summer-
Isn't Stack's vocals really unique and cool?

this chart is pretty funky and silly but its kinda fun

Bad Boy - Red Velvet
this song is flawless I fear
absolutely fantastic kpop shit right here

Mogu March - Nekomata Okayu Loading BGM
okayu is a cutie and this song slapped

Peko Rap
me entering my hololive era

Fubuki Guys
I feel like I didn't even play fall guys or watched much Fubuki content at the time I made this, I just made it for a friend that likes both of those things
still an iconic chart tho put me on the map fr

Koro Funk!
Korone is and forever will be that girl tho
queen shit

I'm ALIVE! -PaniX BoX RemiX- [Becca x sasakure.UK] (Hatsune Miku sings Black Butler ED)
I have literally loved this song since I was an edgy pre-teen
it makes me feel ALIVE!!
I love both this Miku version as well as the original
this chart is kinda cool because its all in the bottom half of the screen, and yet its quite spammy. I love both this Miku version as well as the original

Heart Forecast - Eve
a very cutesy and lovely song

SUPASONI♥ - Super Sonico OP
this may be one of the best songs in existence its absolutely BUMPIN'' !!
they could never make me hate you super sonico